Confessing Truthfully
Alternative : 坦白相对 ; 솔직 담백하게 ; Honestly Sweetly ; Refreshingly Candid
- Author(s) : Ryu Riang,
- Status : Completed
- Last updated : Jan-20-2016 13:24:26 PM
- View : 273,763
- Genres : Comedy, Romance, School life, Shoujo,
- Rating :
- Mangakakalot.com rate : 4.25 / 5 - 8 votes
Confessing Truthfully summary:
Seda has it tough. Her school has suddenly gone from a girl's only school to co-ed. Plus, her father could be described as a Korean Scrooge. But with the boys coming into her life, being late for the bus isn't the only thing she needs to worry about.
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