Hime-sama Tanuki no Koizanyou CHAPTER LIST
  • Hime-sama Tanuki no Koizanyou

    Alternative : Don't Count on Your Tanukis ; Hime-sama Tanuki no Koisanyou ; Himesamadanuki no Koizanyou ; 姫さま狸の恋算用 ; 狸公主的恋爱计算 ; 狸公主的恋爱小九九 ; The Tanuki Princess' Love Calculus ; Miłość, jenoty i inne kłopoty ; Don't Count Your Tanukis ; Die Tanuki-Prinzessin ; Himesama Tanuki no Koi Sanyou

  • Author(s) : Minase Mayu,
  • Status : Ongoing
  • Last updated : Jan-24-2018 23:22:12 PM
  • TransGroup :
  • View : 361,396
  • Genres : Comedy, Drama, Romance, Seinen, Supernatural,
  • Rating :
  • rate : 4.85 / 5 - 27 votes

Hime-sama Tanuki no Koizanyou summary:

Riku planned to move to Kyoto, together with his childhood friend Momoka. Instead, his parents have him betrothed to the cuddly Tanuki princess Miyo! She can turn into a woman, but being a human is quite difficult: Miyo cooks scrambled eggs with their shells, washes herself in the washing machine and sometimes nibbles on a grasshopper. But thanks to Momoka, she quickly learns what jealousy is.

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