Kaze no Uta o Kike
Alternative : 風の歌を聞け ; Something Old, Something New
- Author(s) : Donna Sterling,
- Status : Completed
- Last updated : Jan-20-2016 13:35:58 PM
- View : 72,460
- Genres : Josei, Romance,
- Rating :
- Mangakakalot.com rate : 4.3 / 5 - 10 votes
Kaze no Uta o Kike summary:
In the mountains of North Carolina lies a mansion named Windsong Place. Ryan, the heir to the mansion, and Sunny, the housekeeper's granddaughter, fall in love and marry. However, Ryan's father, angry at his son's marriage to a girl far below his status, disinherits Ryan and sells off the mansion. Soon after, their marriage deteriorates and Ryan and Sunny go their separate ways... 10 years later, Windsong Place, now a hotel, is being auctioned. Ryan returns to make a bid for the hotel, while Sunny arrives hoping to find work. And there, the two meet again!
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