Experience Distribution Ability
Alternative : Point Gifter "Keikenchi Bunpai Nouryokusha" no Isekai Saikyou Solo Life ; Point Gifter Keikenchi Bunpai Nouryokusha no Isekai Saikyou Solo Life ; Solo Life of the Strongest Point Gifter in a different world ; The Strongest Solo Life in Another World of a Point Gifter《Experience Value Distributor》 ; ポイントギフター《経験値分配能力者》の異世界最強ソロライフ ; ポイントギフター《経験値分配能力者》の異世界最強ソロライフ~ブラックギルドから解放された男は万能最強職として無双する~
- Author(s) : Hino Akira , Itou Souichi , Tsukumo Nishiki , Skyfarm,
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Oct-11-2024 18:10:55 PM
- View : 6,206,778
- Genres : Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Isekai, Seinen,
- Rating :
- rate : 4.35 / 5 - 1249 votes
Experience Distribution Ability summary:
Fildo is suddenly fired from "Light of Glory," the top guild in the country and a black guild. Although Fildo was mercilessly expelled from the guild, his experience value increased remarkably due to the effect of the Point Gifter "Experience Distributor" skill, and he became the most powerful man on the continent. On the other hand, "Light of Glory" lost a great deal of experience and faced a crisis of collapse.Fighting with former guild members, interacting with beautiful elf sisters, defeating dragons, etc... Awakened with the strongest all-around skills, Fildo's otherworldly cheat tale of free-spirited and peerless warriors is about to begin!!!
Maybe coming in the next issue
Experience Distribution Ability chapter 20
Experience Distribution Ability chapter 21
Experience Distribution Ability chapter 20
Experience Distribution Ability chapter 21
Chapter name
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