Omochi-sama CHAPTER LIST
  • Omochi-sama

  • Author(s) : HAGI Warako,
  • Status : Completed
  • Last updated : Dec-20-2017 11:40:57 AM
  • TransGroup :
  • View : 50,681
  • Genres : Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo,
  • Rating :
  • rate : 5 / 5 - 4 votes

Omochi-sama summary:

When Akiko was a child, on the first day of the new year, a rice cake suddenly came to life and told Akiko that it will grant a wish that she has. It's always been like that year after year, until one year a cat stole the rice cake that she was supposed to eat. Her family didn't have anymore left, and stores were sold out. She tries very hard to find a rice cake, but why is this? What is her wish that she wants granted so badly?
Chapter name View Time uploaded
Chapter 0 V2 : [Oneshot] 7,114 Dec-20-17
Chapter 0 : [Oneshot] 7,734 Jan-21-16

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