Noa-senpai wa Tomodachi.
Alternative : のあ先輩はともだち。 ; Noa Is My Senior, and My Friend.
- Author(s) : Akiyama Enma,
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Feb-05-2025 14:59:34 PM
- View : 1,084,409
- Genres : Comedy, Seinen, Slice of life,
- Rating :
- Mangakakalot.com rate : 4.63 / 5 - 511 votes
Noa-senpai wa Tomodachi. summary:
A bitter and painful adult's life needs "friends".Set in a game company, Rihito Otsuka (23), who is "normal" in both work and socializing, and Noa Saotome (27), who goes all out with everything she does. Two characters whose lives aren't supposed to intersect become "friends" by chance...? A little sweet and slightly heavy "office" friends "comedy" start!
Maybe coming in the next issue
Noa-senpai wa Tomodachi. chapter 49
Noa-senpai wa Tomodachi. chapter 50
Noa-senpai wa Tomodachi. chapter 49
Noa-senpai wa Tomodachi. chapter 50
Chapter name
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