Black Lagoon: Sawyer the Cleaner - Dismemberment! Gore Gore Girl
Alternative : Black Lagoon: Sawyer the Cleaner - Dismemberment! Gore Gore Girl ; BLACK LAGOON 掃除屋ソーヤー解体!ゴアゴア娘 ; Черная лагуна: Расчленяющая уборщица Сойер! Окровавленная девушка
- Author(s) : Hiroe Rei , IDA Tatsuhiko,
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Dec-07-2024 22:04:22 PM
- View : 29,769
- Genres : Action, Comedy, Seinen,
- Rating :
- rate : 4.56 / 5 - 16 votes
Black Lagoon: Sawyer the Cleaner - Dismemberment! Gore Gore Girl summary:
Sawyer is a cleaner who takes on the task of disposing of unwanted people in Roanapur, a city of vice where the mafia and other scoundrels thrive. Her daily life is depicted in a funny, sometimes horror-filled, sometimes action-packed, and even fantastical way as she goes about her work with her beloved chainsaw in hand. Her good friends and fellow freelancers Shenhua and Lotton, as well as familiar characters from the main story, such as Revy and Rock, also make appearances!
Maybe coming in the next issue
Black Lagoon: Sawyer the Cleaner - Dismemberment! Gore Gore Girl chapter 22
Black Lagoon: Sawyer the Cleaner - Dismemberment! Gore Gore Girl chapter 23
Black Lagoon: Sawyer the Cleaner - Dismemberment! Gore Gore Girl chapter 22
Black Lagoon: Sawyer the Cleaner - Dismemberment! Gore Gore Girl chapter 23
Chapter name
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