Semishigure CHAPTER LIST
  • Semishigure

  • Author(s) : Nanaka Amu,
  • Status : Completed
  • Last updated : Jan-20-2016 11:29:38 AM
  • TransGroup :
  • View : 56,253
  • Genres : Historical, One shot, Yaoi,
  • Rating :
  • rate : 4.82 / 5 - 11 votes

Semishigure summary:

(From In The Water): It's 1904. Natsume, the son of a old and prominent family, is cursed with a small, frail body. Because of this, he isn't qualified to enlist in the Japanese forces for the upcoming war with Russia. He is unhappily resigned to becoming a teacher. That is until he meets Daigo, a student. Daigo reminds Natsume that he could inspire and lead just as many future soldiers and leaders of Japan as a teacher, as he could as an officer. Daigo promises to become a great solider under Natsume's tutelage. But unlike Natsume, Daigo isn't in it only for the honor of Japan.
Chapter name View Time uploaded
Vol.1 Chapter 1 14,728 Jan-20-16

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