Bara no Kusari
Alternative : 薔薇の鎖 ; 薔薇之鎖 ; Chain of Roses
- Author(s) : Osakabe Mashin,
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Jan-20-2016 14:32:38 PM
- View : 111,655
- Genres : Romance, School life, Shoujo, Smut,
- Rating :
- Mangakakalot.com rate : 5 / 5 - 14 votes
Bara no Kusari summary:
Summary by Midnight Scans: When I was only 8 years old, I was attracted to Hagane, who was accepted into our house as the son of a servant. But is duty the only reason why Hagane listens to what I say...? I can’t understand how you feel because invisible chains bind you...
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