Sentimental Garden Lover
Alternative : センチメンタルガーデンラバー ; 多愁善感的庭院情人
- Author(s) : Ogura Muku,
- Status : Completed
- Last updated : Feb-23-2019 16:45:49 PM
- View : 201,794
- Genres : Drama, Fantasy, School life, Slice of life, Yaoi,
- Rating :
- Mangakakalot.com rate : 4.66 / 5 - 35 votes
Sentimental Garden Lover summary:
DMG: Love is found in the strangest places and with the most unexpected partners. The men (and cats!) of SENTIMENTAL GARDEN LOVER burst into heart-throbbing bloom! A scruffy stray cat wishes for big hands to hold an abused man, and a cute kitten begs for speech to comfort a broken-hearted stranger. Wander further into the garden, and you'll find close siblings upset by a love rival; a jaded delinquent flustered by a trusting bookworm; an evasive, glasses-hating man; and a president eager to find a weakness in his perfect secretary. For both cat and human, the quest for love is here!
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