Ren'ai Nenrei
Alternative : 恋愛年齢 ; Ren-ai Nenrei ; Renai Nenrei
- Author(s) : Naono Bohra,
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Oct-08-2019 16:28:33 PM
- View : 534,054
- Genres : Comedy, Drama, Historical, Romance, Supernatural, Yaoi,
- Rating :
- Mangakakalot.com rate : 4.62 / 5 - 60 votes
Ren'ai Nenrei summary:
Chief Hakuto is experiencing a very frustrating problem, Erectile Dysfunction. An avid older seme, Hakuto always goes for the young, cute, slender type but when a subordinate who's completely not his type whispers "I’ll do anything for you" it's too hard to resist even if Hakuto has to. [Taken from Dangerous Pleasure]
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